Tour de Snowy Mountains

The road from Tumbarumba to the Snowy Mountains Highway is called Elliot Way. It climbs and dips, climbs and dips, winding through pastoral land then tall forests, and over the Tumut River several times, before another steep climb to the winter-time snow fields above the tree line. It is a route that is apparently enjoyed by very fit cyclists. In summertime January it is hot and not very busy but, since I am not the hardy type at all, I chose to enjoy the scenery from my car. In the sun’s glare I almost missed these words of encouragement written, Tour de France-style, on the bitumen. All I can say is Vivent les amis d’Owen et Kathy for making the effort to cheer them on.


  1. Jenny 11 February 2011

    was wondering who does all the art work on these footpaths photographed.
    any ideas?

  2. megan 16 February 2011

    I contacted Jenny at her email address and told her that I couldn’t really help her. I take photos of pavement artworks all over the place but I seldom know who did them. Jenny replied, and it turns out she works for a company that makes traffic technologies like vehicle detection pads, and line marking tape, and temporary road marking paint, and reflective road markers. What a turn-on for an afficionado of pavement marks like me! To see photos of workers putting down double yellow lines and stencilling large letters on the road, take a look at their website.

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